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Researchs Rejuvenelife

Water Research

Your health depends upon the quality of water you drink.

Welcome to the online submission and editorial system for Water Research. Water Research publishes refereed, original research papers on all aspects of the science and technology of water quality and its management worldwide. A broad outline of the journal's scope includes: Treatment...

  • Treatment processes for water and wastewaters, municipal, agricultural and industrial, including residuals management.
  • Water quality monitoring and assessment, based on chemical, physical and biological methods.
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Water Research's Articles

Your health depends upon the quality of water you drink, Some of our recent research

Consume a minimum of 8 ounces (235mL) at a time

The purpose of drinking larger volumes, in addition to the electrical and antioxidant potential mentioned above, is twofold. First, the goal is complete hydration. The foods, beverages, pollution, and stress of modern living, rarely allow for anyone to be perfectly hydrated. Second, we need enhanced water in excess of what is required for mere hydration. This provides a signal to the body to jump detoxification processes into overdrive.....

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Monitor the total volume of water you drink

The general rule of thumb is to consume half your body weight (pounds) in ounces of water every day. For someone who weighs 180 pounds, this would be 90 ounces or 2.6 liters. Are you overweight for your frame, suffering from disease, chronically fatigued, eating a less than perfect diet, or living a less than natural lifestyle? If yes, you need to drink more!.Consider jumpstarting your hydration and detoxification with the Aqua Cleanse....

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Consider jumpstarting your hydration and detoxification with the Aqua Cleanse

When waking in the morning, rinse your mouth with an all-natural antiseptic mouthwash. Then, proceed to drink one liter of Aqua Water all at once. This will get your day off to a great start by eliminating or neutralizing those metabolic nasties that build up at night. Yes, you may not be able to drink a whole liter at first, but you will with practice. Aqua Water doesn’t leave you with a bloated feeling for anywhere near as long as ordinary water....

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In summary, getting the most benefit from our Water requires drinking at least 8oz at a time. Sipping will only limit your benefits and make it very hard to consume the recommended daily volume of water.

Water Chemistry Lab

Is equipped to perform all chemical analysis related to water like estimation of heavy metals, pesticides, natural harmful chemicals, chlorination by-product, PCB, PAH, Anionic surface active agents, phenolic compound etc

Bacteriology Lab

Is aimed to carry out advance study in bacteriological contamination control and efficiency evaluation of water purifiers. It has facility to maintain bacteriological culture.

Adsorption & Filtration Lab

Is designed to develop and evaluate different adsorption media filter to remove harmful chemical pollutants like pesticides, arsenic, fluoride, chlorine by-product, heavy metal etc.

Technology Development Centre

Is established to develop and evaluate new water treatment technologies and also to upgrade the existing technologies on an ongoing basis.


We Add Minerals (Ca, Na, Cu, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cr, Se, black Silica), Create _ve ORP (Antioxidant), Generate small Molecules of water, Increase Water pH upto 9.5

Information Centre

A well maintained and updated water quality information centre enables our technocrats to keep abreast and update with the latest information and data related to water and treatment.